Thinking About LASIK?

Your eyes are amazing organs! They bend and detect light, which allows your brain to break down the light signal to create depth, movement, color, and other components that affect how you see what you see. Sometimes though, our eyesight doesn’t work as clearly as it should. Fortunately, there are options like LASIK to help […]

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What Makes a Good LASIK Candidate?

Are you squinting while watching your favorite TV show? Is your vision blurred on a perfectly clear day? Did you reach for your favorite pair of reading glasses to read this blog post? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are a good candidate for LASIK. LASIK is a surgical procedure aimed […]

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How LASIK Works

LASIK surgery can greatly add to your quality of life. Clearer vision through LASIK allows improved vision while driving and clearer vision while enjoying movies and sporting events.  Simply put, it provides clearer vision for everyday life.  If you are interested in having LASIK surgery, that means you are interested in how it works.  In case […]

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If you are thinking of having LASIK surgery, you may also have questions and be unsure whether it is the right option for you. Are you curious about if the procedure is painful or has a lengthy recovery period? We will answer these questions and more below. LASIK FAQ How will I know LASIK is […]

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Vision Vocabulary 101

We understand some of the words and terms used to describe vision problems can be intimidating. We’d like to address some of the more common terms.  Once you understand what they mean, you’ll be better able to identify the issues that may be fueling your decreased vision. Vision Vocabulary Here is a list of the […]

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Is LASIK for Me?

Headaches, eye strain, and fatigued eye muscles are a few issues associated with deteriorating vision.  LASIK surgery is one way to resolve those issues. Although many people have LASIK surgery, you may wonder if it is a viable option for you.  We will cover three common issues, one of which you may be currently experiencing, […]

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Your Guide to Successful LASIK Recovery

LASIK surgery has become a popular option for millions of people looking to further improve their vision. Although it is a common procedure, it remains a surgical procedure. As with any surgery, your body needs time to recuperate. Your Guide to Successful LASIK Recovery #1 – Protect Your Eyes You will be given eye shields […]

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What to Expect the Day of Your LASIK Surgery

Let’s face it.  Though you’re likely looking forward to the improved vision you’ll experience after your LASIK surgery, the idea of the procedure may leave you uneasy. Surgery of any kind can be frightening, but knowing what to do and expect on the day of your procedure, and directly after, can help alleviate some of […]

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HOW TO: Prepare for LASIK Surgery

If you’ve decided to undergo LASIK surgery, you’re no doubt looking forward to the time you’ll be able to have clearer vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses. And while that is certainly something to which you should look forward, there are also a few rules of thumb to prepare for your surgery. […]

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Say Yes to LASIK and Goodbye to Your Lenses

More and more people are seeking freedom from their glasses and contact lenses. Luckily, technological advancements now offer more options that result in little to no continual dependency on either type of lens. One option is refractive surgery. Most commonly known as laser vision correction, refractive surgery is used to improve the refractive state of […]

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