How Diabetes Can Damage Your Vision

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects more than 37 million U.S. adults. It affects the body’s ability to convert food into energy. Our bodies break down most of the food we eat into glucose (sugar) and release it into the bloodstream. Diabetes blocks the proper regulation of glucose, preventing its absorption by your […]

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Could Eye Makeup Hurt My Eyes?

Millions of people use makeup daily. It is a relatively safe method of beauty enhancement. Wearing eye makeup to enhance the overall look of the eyes is also a popular way to express your unique style. But can eye makeup hurt your eyes? Your eyes are very sensitive, and adding makeup to these delicate body […]

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Five Things Seniors Need to Know About Eye Health

As we age, our eyesight deteriorates. Genetics, dieting, and overall well-being play a large role in eye health as we get older.  There are precautions and factors to consider that will protect and allow your eyesight to remain strong as you get older.  We’ve outlined five things all seniors should know about eye health as […]

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Diabetic Eye Health: Here’s What You Should Know

Diabetes is a potentially devastating disease that, if left unmanaged, can cause serious health issues.  The eyes are particularly vulnerable if this disease is left unchecked.   Having annual or even multiple eye exams per year can prevent debilitating complications from developing by catching them early.    However, an eye exam is only one factor of many […]

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How to Keep Your Eyes Sharp as You Age

Good eyesight is such a fundamental element in our lives.  All too often, we don’t realize how much it is taken for granted until we begin to experience vision loss.  One significant reason for the loss is aging. Aging can play a big role in deteriorating eyesight, but it does not mean you shouldn’t take […]

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All About Macular Degeneration

Eyesight is such an integral aspect of our everyday lives. Our eyes allow us to vividly capture and retain memories. More importantly, they allow us to navigate our way through the world.  That’s why maintaining good eye health is vital. One key to maintaining eye health is to take preventative steps that help stop or […]

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3 Reasons You Need a Yearly Eye Exam

Do you squint while looking at your phone?  Experience headaches after reading or driving?  This likely means that you are ready for your yearly eye exam.  A noticeable change in vision, pain while reading or driving, or other sight-related issues are your best clue that it’s time to see your eye doctor.  Still need convincing? […]

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4 Common Fall Eye Problems

Most of us understand that protecting our eyes from the sun is important over the summer months.  But that protection is equally as important during the fall.  Drier air, allergens, and even UV light may impact your eye health. 4 Common Eye Problems that Occur in Fall (and How to Easily Prevent Them) Here are […]

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Why Routine Eye Exams are Important for Children

It can often be difficult for children of any age to communicate whether they are having issues with their vision so it’s important that parents and guardians schedule routine eye exams. If children don’t receive eye exams at regular and consistent intervals, the lack of care could cause a present condition to worsen or lead […]

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