Vision Check: What Happens During a Medical Eye Exam?

Regular medical eye exams are important for maintaining optimal vision health. These exams help detect potential vision issues early. Early detection allows timely treatment and prevention of long-term damage. Whether you are noticing changes in your vision or sticking to a routine check-up, understanding the key components of a medical eye exam can empower you […]

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Sports and Eye Safety Tips for Players and Coaches

Nearly everyone participating in sports has dreamed of making the game-winning basket, hitting the walk-off homerun, or scoring the last-second goal. Sports are valuable activities, which help keep millions of kids and adults physically fit. The downside, regrettably, is that injuries are a big part of the game. Some of the most significant ones are […]

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Eye Safety in the Workplace

Workers avoid utilizing protective eyewear for many reasons. Employees may think they aren’t necessary, glasses or goggles aren’t comfortable, or they have to stop to readjust safety eyewear. However, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declares the lack of required eye and face protection as one of its top ten cited workplace violations. And, […]

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The Benefit of Sunglasses, No Matter the Season

Sunglasses provide protection from the sun while also highlighting an individual’s style and fashion sense. Far from simply being a stylish accessory, sunglasses offer additional benefits of sunglasses no matter the season, that help your eyes remain healthy. We tend to spend more time outdoors during the summer, and sunglasses are strongly associated with the warmer […]

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How to Protect Your Eyes During Winter Weather

Spring and summer are seasons commonly thought to cause most eye problems. Pollen, pollution, hot temperatures, and increased humidity all pose their own problems during those seasons. However, don’t overlook the cooler months. Fall and winter don’t simply sit idly by to give your eyes a break from issues associated with seasonal weather. If you […]

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Why Onions Make You Cry

  November kicks off the holiday season with Thanksgiving and peeking around the corner are Christmas and New Year’s Day. Most of us enjoy family gatherings, epic parties, football, and a host of other activities during this time. Eating is a huge part of these festivities. And if you will be one of the cooks […]

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How Diabetes Can Damage Your Vision

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects more than 37 million U.S. adults. It affects the body’s ability to convert food into energy. Our bodies break down most of the food we eat into glucose (sugar) and release it into the bloodstream. Diabetes blocks the proper regulation of glucose, preventing its absorption by your […]

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Signs Your Child Might Need Glasses

Glasses are fantastic tools used to enhance the quality of life. They enable higher job performance, safer driving, and a more vivid view of our surroundings. But what do they do for children? A young child may have never given the function of glasses a thought. However, blurred vision for a school-aged child can lead […]

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What is the Difference Between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists?

Optometrists and ophthalmologists are both eye specialists. What sets them apart are levels of training and areas of expertise. An optometrist conducts eye exams and can prescribe eyeglasses, contacts, and medications. The ophthalmologist specializes in vision correction, surgical, and medical care of the eyes. Now, let’s peer closer into the distinctions between these professionals. What […]

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Why Do I Still Have to Read an Eye Chart?

Modern technology has drastically changed the way we use our eyesight. We once focused on objects far away to hunt and survey our surroundings for danger. Now, we mainly focus on objects within arm’s reach, namely computers and smartphones. Technology improves our lives by making the difficult easy. Likewise, treating and diagnosing vision problems is […]

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