Tearing in Adults

  View Video   What Is It? Small glands, located in the surface tissue on the white of the eye and lining the eyelids, constantly produce small quantities of tears to keep the eye healthy and lubricated. The lacrimal gland, a larger gland locatedin the upper eyelid, responds to emotion or eye irritation by producing […]

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  View Video   What Is It? Strabismus is a visual defect in which the eyes are misaligned and point in different directions. The misalignment may always be noticeable, or it may come and go. One eye may be directed straight ahead, while the other eye is turned inward, outward, upward or downward. The turned […]

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  View Video   What Is It? Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid. The lid may droop only slightly, or it may cover the pupil entirely. In some cases, ptosis can restrict and even block normal vision. It can be present in children, as well as adults, and is usually treated with surgery. […]

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Pterygium & Pinguecula

  View Video   What Is It? A pterygium is a fleshy growth that invades the cornea (the clear front window of the eye). It is an abnormal process in which the conjuctiva (a membrane that covers the white of the eye) grows into the cornea. A pterygium may be small or grow large enough […]

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  View Video   What Is It? Presbyopia is a vision condition in which the crystalline lens of your eye loses it flexibility, which makes it difficult for you to focus on close objects. Presbyopia may seem to occur suddenly, but the actual loss of flexibility takes place over a number of years. Presbyopia usually […]

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Posterior Capsulotomy

  View Video   What Is It? Posterior capsulotomy is a surgical procedure which is sometimes necessary after cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is performed when the lens of the eye, which focuses light rays, becomes cloudy. When it interferes with vision, it is called a cataract and the treatment is to remove the cloudy lens. […]

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Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)

  View Video   What Is It? Pink eye or conjunctivitis refers to a redness or irritation of the membranes on the inner part of the eyelids and the membranes (conjunctiva) covering the whites of the eyes. These membranes react to a wide range of bacteria, viruses, allergy-provoking agents, irritants and toxic agents, as well […]

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Pigment Dispersion

View Video What Is It? Pigment Dispersion Syndrome is an uncommon condition. Most commonly affected are nearsighted males between the ages of 30 and 50. It is also more common in Europeans. The cause of pigment dispersion is a mechanical rubbing between two ocular structures: the IRIS and ZONULES. The iris is the colored part […]

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Macular Degeneration

  View Video   What Is It? Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) damages the eyesight of 13 million Americans. In many cases, the onset of AMD drastically limits one’s mobility and devastates one’s sense of independence and security. It strikes painlessly, disrupting the central vision needed to read and to write, to drive and to watch […]

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  What Is It? Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection caused by the organism histoplama capsulatum. The disease is acquired by inhaling the organism. From the lungs the fungus travels to the spleen, liver and sometimes the eyes. This disease is most common in the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys. It is also quite common in […]

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